Idaho Expungement Under Idaho law records that have been expunged cannot be
accessed for civil use or for general law enforcement purposes.
Expungement is the legal elimination of past records as to allow those
deserving to obtain employment, credit, professional licensing, and
financial aid. A person can petition an order to the court to have DNA
records destroyed. All DNA samples relating to the convicted person are
destroyed by the Idaho state police, unless it is determined that the
person is obligated to submit a DNA sample or fingerprint for the
purpose of another conviction. Even if the state expunges a DNA record,
the Bureau of Forensic Services is not required to destroy any physical
evidence acquired by the DNA sample if it relates to another person.
Eligible Records for Expungement Any fingerprints, DNA records, juvenile photos, registration of
sexual offenders in a central registry, and criminal history records
are available to be expunged. However only certain individuals are
eligible to apply for legal expungement of records and information.
Juveniles that have been taken into custody and where photographed and
fingerprinted may apply for expungement. Any person who has been
arrested or has served a criminal summons but was not indicted or
charged within one year of the arrest and later acquitted may petition
for an erasure. A person who was granted exemption from registration as
a sexual offender under Idaho Law 18-8310 may petition the court. Any
person whose DNA profile was included in the state database and
databank whose conviction was later dismissed may also apply for
expungement. And lastly, juvenile offenders may apply with the
exception of conditions and offenses listed under Idaho Law 20-525A.
To expunge a record, those meeting the particular requirements must
file the correct paperwork and include all the information to be
expunged. This filing will be towards to court in which the case was
handled. The prosecuting attorney and all other law enforcement
agencies must be notified of the pending expungement. As expungement is
a privilege and not a right, the court has the power to deny a petition
if it has been filed incorrectly or if granting the expungement is not
in the favor of the court.
Ineligible Records Just as there are cases of eligible records for expungement,
there are also cases that are ineligible for juvenile expungement.
These include cases of administering poison with the intent to kill,
forcible sexual penetration, assault with intent to murder, arson,
sexual exploitation of a child, murder in any degree, assault with the
intent to commit a serious felony, ritualized child abuse, kidnapping,
injury to a child under felony convictions, armed robbery, infamous
crime against nature by force or violence, voluntary manslaughter, the
use of a bomb, aggravated battery, or any violation of the provisions
from section 37-2732 of Idaho Law. The Idaho Law states that if a
violation of this section occurs within one thousand feet of or on the
public property or private property of a school, stadium, park,
grounds, or building the offense cannot be expunged. If the case
involves drug trafficking or manufacturing of drugs the case is also
ineligible for expungement.