Maryland Expungement Expungement is the legal erasure of past criminal records. After
an expungement has been granted, the files will not longer be able to
be accessed by the public or law enforcement agencies. This is
important to those seeking professional licensing, financial aid,
employment, and credit. Even though expungement is the erasure of
arrest records, it does not mean that they completely disappear. The
files will remain intact and can be accessed for three reasons. The
first reason is for the access of government officials for the running
for public office. The second is for entrance into the United States
military. And the third is for the use in a court trial. Even though
the file has been erased, if a new case is at hand, the expunged file
will most likely be used as a prior offense causing punishments to
Expungement Eligibility in Maryland Expungement is not a right under the United States Government,
instead it is a privilege to deserving individuals. Only certain
individuals are allowed to petition for expungement. These individuals
can include anyone who has been acquitted of a crime, anyone whose
charge was dismissed, anyone who has probation before a judgment was
entered--in some cases--anyone who has a nolle prosequi entered, anyone
with criminal charges marked as stet, anyone charged with assault that
was dismissed in pre-trial, and anyone whose case was transferred to
the juvenile court.
Expungement is also possible for those convicted of one criminal act
that is not a crime of violence or those who have been granted a full
and unconditional pardons from the MarylandGovernor. A court records that
existed before the first of July 1975 and is still maintained may often
be expunged. This particular law does not apply to records of minor
traffic violations, cash receipt or disbursement record that is needed
for auditing purposes, for the published opinion of a court, transcript
of court proceedings that was made by a court reporter in a multiple
defendant case, a record of work that is the product of law enforcement
units used solely for police investigation, or an investigatory file.
Court Ordering If an expungement request of police records is denied under
certain subsections, the individual can apply for an expungement order
in the District Court with the proper abilities against the law
enforcement unit. This petition must be filed in application within
thirty days after the written notice of denial from the law enforcement
unit is mailed or delivered. A hearing will begin after the law
enforcement unit has been notified of the application. If the court
finds the individual entitled to expungement, the court will order the
law enforcement unit to expunge the police records. If the court finds
the individual's application not in alignment for expungement, the
application will be denied. Each party of the process is entitled to an
appellate review of the record as provided in the Courts Article for
civil case appeals from the District Court. In the case of a waiver the
person who will receive expungement will not be required to pay the
costs for the expungement.