When a criminal record is expunged, it means that information in files,
computers and all records pertaining to the criminal charge are sealed
from public view and, in some states, the records are actually
destroyed. Consequently, there is no record of the offense. Each state
has its own statutes regarding expungements.
Kentucky allows expungements for certain offenses; however, under
Kentucky statutes, expungement is not allowed for most felony
convictions. The only felony convictions that may be considered for
expungement are Class D drug felonies.
Expungement Versus Sealing Sometimes the terms "expungement" and "sealing" a criminal
record are used interchangeably but there are differences in the two.
When a criminal record is sealed, it is hidden from the general public.
When a criminal record is expunged, it means that the record is
completely destroyed as if the crime never happened. If anyone inquires
about a case that has been expunged the court may correctly reply that
no record exists. The defendant does not have to disclose his criminal
record to potential or future employers once it is expunged.
Kentucky Doesn't Destroy Records In Kentucky, an expungement means that your records will be
sealed but the records will not be destroyed. In some states the
records are actually destroyed. Entities, such as the police,
immigration authorities and public officials can access sealed/expunged
records for certain purposes.
Felons Convictions Are Not Eligible If you have a felony conviction in Kentucky this will disallow
you from getting your eligible misdemeanor convictions expunged.
Kentucky bars expungements for those who have a felony conviction.
Those Records That May Be Eligible and Those That Are Ineligible Kentucky Revised Statute Section 431.078 allows for the
expungement of misdemeanor criminal records. Those crimes that may be
ineligible for expungement include offenses against the Commonwealth of
Kentucky, repeat offenders, offenses against children and sex offenses.
In Kentucky, those eligible for expungement include anyone who is
accused by his or her spouse of a sexual offense if the charge was
dismissed with prejudice or a not guilty charge was arrived at by a
jury or the court. Anyone who has criminal misdemeanor convictions or
violations or a series of violations arising from a single incident
that occurred five years before the case in question is eligible for
expungement if his probation and sentencing has been completed
successfully.If the individual has not been convicted of a violation or
misdemeanor offense in the five years preceding the conviction that the
defendant is attempting to get expunged he may be eligible for
expungement. However, convictions that involve a sex offense and
particularly one committed against a child are not eligible for
Other Requirements Other qualifications for eligibility include that the person has
not been convicted of a misdemeanor violation or a felony since he
sought the expungement nor can there be any proceedings concerning a
violation, misdemeanor or felony pending against the individual or
being instituted against him when he applies for expungement.
Furthermore, the offense in question regarding expungement must have
been a state offense in order to be eligible.
If finding work or housing is proving next to impossible because you
have a criminal record, seeking expungement of your record might be the
answer if you are eligible for expungement. Kentucky expungement forms
are available online.