New Jersey Expungement Expungement of records in the state of New Jersey means the
extraction and isolation of all filed records within any court, law
enforcement agencies, detention facilities, correctional facilities,
and criminal justice agencies that concern an individual's
apprehension, detection, arrest, trial, detention, or disposition of an
offense in the criminal justice system. According to New Jersey Law
2C:52-15, when an agency or facility is contacted in regards to an
individuals records, they are required to concede that no record exists
if the record has been expunged. The Superior Court may order the
inspection of expunged records in limited circumstances. Expunged
records cannot be used in impeachment purposes but can be used in the
sentencing of a later conviction. They can also be used when
determining the granting or denying of an application into a
supervisory diversion or treatment program for further charges, or in
the granting of parole.
Records for Expungement Only certain records in New Jersey are eligible for expungement.
These include all records, warrants, complaints, arrests, processing
records, commitments, photographs, fingerprints, index cards, and
judicial docket records. DNA that resides in a state database that is
in relation to the individual's offense outcome as dismissed or
reversed can apply to have the records returned. If this request is
granted the division must comply with the order and return the records
and other identifiable information from the state databank according to
New Jersey law 53:1-20.25.
New Jersey Expungement Eligibility Law-abiding citizens may have their past convictions or arrests
erased from police folders and public records. However only certain
criminal convictions can be expunged under New Jersey law 2C:52-1 et
seq. For instance if there has been a conviction of a misdemeanor more
than five years ago and there have been no subsequent crimes, an
individual's attorney may petition the Superior Court for expungement.
Those who have plead guilty to town ordinances will need to wait at
least two years before they petition for expungement. Juvenile
delinquent records can also be expunged after a certain amount of time
has passed. Minor drug arrests resulting in first-time offender
conditional discharge can be expunged after one year since the
probation termination or the concluding of court procedures. New Jersey
has circumstances where charges can be erased automatically without a
waiting period. These include frivolous complaints and arrests where
there was no result of a conviction or where charges were dismissed.
Certain indictable offenses cannot be expunged and include crimes of
public office, drug crimes--with the exception of hashish or marijuana
possession in small amounts--disorderliness after the second offense,
kidnapping, luring, enticing, criminal homicide--with the exception of
death by vehicle--aggravated sexual assault, criminal sexual contact
when the offender is not the parent of the victim, aggravated criminal
sexual contact when the victim is a minor, criminal restraint, robbery,
false imprisonment, arson and related offenses, endangering the welfare
of a child, perjury, endangering the welfare of a child through sexual
misconduct by impairing the morals of a child, false swearing, and
conspiracy attempts to commit crimes.