Oklahoma Expungement In Oklahoma the court has the power to order that a criminal
record or an arrest record be removed from public viewing. After a
record is expunged it is marked as non-existent and cannot leave an
individual subject to its past consequences. The record cannot be used
for any public purpose other than in the terms of impeachment and false
character proceedings. Expunged records do not exactly disappear. They
instead are deleted from the clerk's office of the court and are not
longer in the main filing area. This includes deletion of the
individual's name on the docket sheet, removal of the public charging
files, and indexing the forms into confidential files. All records in
accordance with any arresting files will no longer be accessible on any
Internet databases or through the courthouse computer system. When
searched, the individual's name will not divulge any of the expunged
material but may bring up information in regards to the case. If all
payments have been made, the individual's name will only appear as
payment provider.
Oklahoma Records for Expungement The State Bureau of Investigation in Oklahoma does not eliminate
the records once expunged. The arrest records will remain intact in the
criminal history file. Arrest dispositions also will remain in the
Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. This information cannot be
fully accessed by the public but rather different aspects of the arrest
record and the disposition are possible. A plea of guilty to a charge
of larceny can be changed to a plea of not guilty and case dismissal.
For all information in the State Bureau of Investigation to be
expunged, a petition must be filed through Section 22 of Oklahoma law
eighteen and nineteen.
Oklahoma Expungement Eligibility Oklahoma only allows the expungement of certain records and has
set specific stipulations for doing so. Pleas of no contest and pleas
of guilty can be eligible for expunction after the sentence has been
deferred. Those who have been convicted of felony offenses are not
eligible for expungement under Section 22, with the exception of a
court waiver of prohibition. Those who plead nolo contendere or guilty
to sexual offenses and are required to register as sex offenders are
also ineligible for record expungement in Oklahoma.
Expungement is also possible for those who have been acquitted; had his
or her conviction reversed to later be dismissed through an appellate
court; had factual innocence proven through DNA; fully pardoned by the
Governor; had charges dismissed after one year or on merits; had the
statute of limitations expire with no charges filed; had a full pardon
received due to being under the age of eighteen at the crime's
occurrence; been convicted of a misdemeanor offense without any further
offenses after ten years; been convicted of a felony deemed nonviolent
and received a full pardon after ten years of no subsequent charges; or
been arrest through a search warrant but was later released. Most
juvenile records are eligible for expungement once the individual is
over the age of twenty-one.