South Carolina Expungement
In the state of South Carolina the law allows for the obliteration of
arrest information and conviction information under specific
circumstances. South Carolina Code of Laws 17-1-40 states that the
booking and arrest records, mug shots, files, and fingerprints of an
individual be destroyed leaving no evidence of any past record in the
files of county, municipal, or state law enforcement agencies. This is
only when an individual qualifies for expungement.
Pretrial Intervention
South Carolina provides a diversion program for non-violent first-time
criminal offenders called Pretrial Intervention. Those eligible must
perform community restitution and provide monetary restitution for the
victims involved in the crime or crimes. Those who have successfully
completed the Pretrial Intervention are allowed to apply for the
destruction of criminal records relating to the arrest under the South
Carolina Code of Law 17-22-150. This act will restore the individual to
the previous status that he or she had prior to being arrested. After
this order has been entered, the individual will not longer be able to
be held as guilty of perjury or otherwise providing false statement to
whether he or she committed a citable crime in the past.
Check Fraud
The first offense of check fraud with intent may, after one year from
the assigned conviction, apply for expungement of criminal records.
This will allow an individual to apply for or have another act on his
or her behalf for an expungement petition. This particular provision
does not include those convicted of felony offenses where check values
exceeded five thousand dollars. If no other convictions are present
after one year, expungement may be granted. This right is only give to
individuals once.
Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana
The first offense of simple marijuana possession, those deemed
misdemeanors, may have their records cleared after the completion of
all required sentencing according to South Carolina Code of Law
44-53-45. All the information associated with the arrest will be
eliminated including records of not only the arrest but also the trail,
finding of guilty, indictment, dismissal, and discharge of pursuant.
After an expungement has been granted the individual will no longer be
required to acknowledge the arrest in any form including pleading
guilty in a court procession and cannot be charged with perjury as such.
Municipal Court Convictions
Three years after the date of conviction, an individual will be able to
apply for expungement for the conviction and arrest in a municipal
court or a magistrate's court. However certain crimes are not
expungeable. These include offenses that involve the operation of a
motor vehicle, violations of Title-50--those of fish, game, and
watercraft--and offenses of Chapter 25 and Title 16--criminal domestic
If an individual has not been convicted for any other crime during this
three-year time period after the first offense to the municipal court
or the magistrate's court, the circuit court may then grant an order to
expunge the criminal records. Individuals are only granted this kind of
expungement once in his or her lifetime.